Aug 12, 2011

Paattil Ee Paattil - Pranayam

'Paattil Ee Paattil' is a beautiful malayalam song sung by shreya Ghoshal. It is also from the movie ' Pranayam '. It is a solo. Track duration 4 min.  This song is a slow one and the composition by M. Jayachandran is awesome. Of course magical singing and pronunciation by shreya ghoshal as always. Also the lyrics of the song is very beautiful which is penned by O.N.V Kurup, the great malayalam poet, lyricist, and winnwr of Jnanpith Award, Padma Vibhushan, PadmaShri, etc. Overall, amazing singing by Shreya Ghoshal, great composition by M.Jayachandran and beautiful lyrics by ONV make the song a fantastic one.


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